The 2015 Paris Agreement has been signed by all 195 Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change and ratified by 170 of them. It came into effect on 4 November 2016 and applies from 2020. Only the USA has announced its intention to withdraw.
The Paris Agreement is a high-level framework with constructive ambiguity on some issues. This year’s Conference of the Parties (COP23) in Bonn, Germany, under Fiji’s leadership continued the task of deconstructing the ambiguities to provide a clear rulebook for its implementation. The formal rulebook negotiations were supported by many side events and new papers on important issues.
Main issues:
- Has the Paris Agreement passed the “Trump test”?
- The gap between commitments to reduce carbon emissions and what science says is needed.
- Preparing for the 2018 Global Stock-take. This will consider the IPCC’s forthcoming report on how the temperature increase might be held to 1.5oC.
- Progress on writing the Paris rulebook.
- What can be done to decarbonize electricity production and reduce energy used in property.
- How to finance the investment needed to create a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy.
- China’s action including plans for a national carbon trading scheme.
- Adaptation to climate change and calls for action on Loss & Damage. How can insurance improve resilience?
- How will Hong Kong’s be affected?
8:45 - Reception with coffee/tea
9:00 - Welcome Remarks by Ms. Winnie Cheung [VIDEO]
9:05 - Session 1. Overview of progress on the Paris Agreement (Moderator: Mr. Robert Gibson)
- A European view by Ms. Andrea Leung [VIDEO]
- The view from Beijing by Dr. Chai Qimin* [VIDEO]
- Decarbonizing energy supply by Dr. Jeanne Ng [VIDEO]
- Panel discussion / Q&A [VIDEO]
10:15 - Coffee break
10:45 - Session 2, Action by business: Technological Innovation, Carbon Price and Finance (Moderator: Ms. Maya de Souza)
- Technology change and other action by business by Mr. Eric Chong [VIDEO]
- Financing action on climate change by Mr. Jonathan Drew [VIDEO]
- Using insurance to improve resilience and support adaptation by Mrs. Alexandra Boakes Tracy [VIDEO]
- Panel discussion / Q&A [VIDEO]
12:00 - Closing Remarks by Ms. Maya de Souza [VIDEO]
*While Dr. Chai could not attend this event due to visa issue, his slides and materials were presented by Mr. Robert Gibson
Dr. Chai Qimin is Director of International Cooperation Department in National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), and adjunct professor of Research Center for Contemporary Management (RCCM) in Tsinghua University and Guizhou Institute of Technology. He serves as the delegate of Chinese Government Delegation of UN Climate Negotiations, and adviser of local governments for Low Carbon City and Emission Trading Scheme Pilots. He has degrees in Engineering, Management and Finance previously worked at Tsinghua University on energy, environment and economy modeling development for the Integrated Assessment Model for Global Change (IAMC).
Ms. Winnie CW Cheung, CEO of Civic Exchange, has decades of experience in executive leadership and public policy-making, in addition to a strong interest in well-being and sustainability issues. Ms Cheung was formerly Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and, in that capacity, acted as an adviser to government, legislators and decision-makers in finance and capital market reform, and as a pioneer in corporate governance and sustainability development in Hong Kong. Ms Cheung is a Chartered Accountant and possesses a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of Manchester and a Master’s Degree in Social Science in Counselling from the University of Hong Kong.
Mr. Eric Chong, President and CEO of Siemens Hong Kong, is leading the company’s overall efforts to provide sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, healthcare, buildings, power distribution and industry for Hong Kong and Macao. As a senior executive for more than 20 years, Eric has worked at various countries in Asia, including 10 years in China. He is a member of the BEC’s Board of Directors and serves as the Chair of Climate Change Business Forum, an advisory group under BEC. He is also member of the HKTDC Electronics / Electrical Appliances Industries Advisory Committee.
Mr. Jonathan Drew is a Managing Director in the Infrastructure and Real Estate Group at HSBC. Jonathan started his banking career more than 20 years ago in London. He worked in Latin America and raised capital for large scale projects in the Middle East. Since 1997, he has been based in Hong Kong, witnessing first-hand the rapid growth of Asia, notably China. During this time, he has been involved in a wide range of sectors, including financing for projects that produce and deliver energy (renewable and non-renewable) and transport people and resources from source to point of consumption. He also works on infrastructure projects in social and education sectors with a focus on resource efficiency and sustainability. Jonathan graduated with an MA in Economics from Cambridge University and is also qualified as a Chartered Accountant.
Ms. Andrea Leung is Senior Policy Adviser, Science and Climate Change at the British Consulate-General Hong Kong. She has 20 years of experience on climate change and environmental policy issues. She works with relevant stakeholders in Hong Kong and the UK Government on strategies and programs for climate change, science and innovation. Prior to joining the Consulate she worked for the Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hyder Consulting and AXIS Environmental Consultants. She holds a Master degree in Environmental Science and Management from the University of Manchester and Bachelor degree in Biochemistry from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Jeanne Ng is responsible for CLP Group's sustainability matters, including sustainability-related strategy, reporting and communications. She holds a BSc in Toxicology from the University of Toronto and a PhD in Environmental Management from the University of Hong Kong. She was involved in developing Hong Kong’s first greenhouse gas emissions inventory and is currently a Board member of a number of organizations including the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) and the Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals (HKIQEP).
Mrs. Alexandra Boakes Tracy is President of Hoi Ping Ventures in Hong Kong, which she founded to provide research and consulting on sustainable and low carbon investment in Asian emerging markets. She is a member of the Listing Committee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, an Active Private Sector Observer to the United Nations Green Climate Fund, and a Director of the Climate Markets & Investment Association. She is also an Advisor to the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology's Asian Family Business Research Centre and to the climate commitment community. Mrs. Tracy speaks and writes regularly on sustainable finance, development and infrastructure issues. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School and Master’s Degrees from Yale University and Cambridge University.
Mr. J. Robert Gibson is an Adjunct Professor at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and a Fellow of Civic Exchange. He focuses on mechanisms for making capitalism more sustainable and facilitating action by business to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. He worked for the Swire Group up to 2010 including being the Director Sustainable Development for John Swire & Sons (HK) from 2007 to 2010.
Ms. Maya de Souza heads Business Environment Council’s Policy Research Team. She leads BEC’s work on developing recommendations for government policy across priority policy areas, and working with businesses on collaborative projects through BEC’s Advisory Groups on Climate Change, Energy and Transport. Maya has worked for 10 years in environmental policy and sustainability. Before joining BEC, Maya worked for the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs leading a number of different policy teams. Maya has a multi-disciplinary background with a Masters in Law and a first degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.