Cutting-edge tools
to facilitate sustainability reporting
HKUST Insitute for the Environment, in collaboration with the the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group which is co-chaired by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Securities and Futures Commission, has developed a cutting-edge greenhouse gas emissions calculator and estimator that were publicly available from February 2024.
Recognizing the limited resources of small and medium-sized enterprises to engage sustainability experts, these user-friendly tools are intended to equip businesses with the means to accurately calculate and manage their environmental footprint, supporting the transition to a more sustainable future.

The launching event of the tools was held on 21 February 2024. At this event, Prof. Christine Loh, Chief Strategy Officer, IENV, and Ms. Julia Leung, CEO, Securities and Futures Commission kicked off the launch. Prof. Jimmy Chan and Ms. Shannon Ho gave a demonstration of the tools.
The tools are now accessible on the website of Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group. Currently, the calculator only covers Scope 1 and Scope 2. Scope 1 refers direct greehouse gas emissions, including stationary combustion emissions, mobile emissions, and fugitive emissions. Scope 2 represents indirect emissions resulting from the purchase of electricity and gas.
In today's world, allocating funds to environmentally responsible companies is of paramount importance. However, accessing a company's public data on greehouse gas emissions can be challenging. The estimator enables users to estimate a company's emssions even when sufficient data is unavailable, assisting financial institutions, banks, and investors in making investment and lending decisions based on a company's potential greenhouse gas emissions. Benchmarking capabilities will be introduced in the next stage of the development, allowing companies to understand their competitive standing in terms of industry-wide emission performance. Over time, as the system is utilized by more entities, the dataset will become more robust, enhancing the estimator's accuracy and reliability as a tool for estimating greenhouse gas emissions.
Demo Video of the tools
Media Coverage
- 21-2-2024 – HKET – ESG|科大與證監合作發布「溫室氣體排放計算及估算工具」 梁鳳儀:中小企與氣候匯報都息息相關
- 21-2-2024 – ETnet –【ESG】證監會鼓勵市場參與者利用新溫室氣體排放計算工具
- 21-2-2024 – MingPao Daily – 證監會伙科大推溫室氣體排放計算工具供大眾免費使用
- 22-2-2024 – SCMP – Sustainability: Hong Kong university and green finance agency backed by regulators launch emissions calculation tools
- 22-2-2024 – SingTao/Headline Daily – 證監與科大合作推碳排計算及估算工具梁鳳儀:中小企與氣候匯報息息相關
- 22-2-2024 – AA Stock – 香港證監會:支持可持續發展彙報的新温室氣體排放計算和估算工具
- 22-2-2024 – Epoch Times – 證監會:支持可持續發展匯報的新溫室氣體排放估算工具
- 7-6-2024 – Yahoo!財經 – 【財經大人物】陸恭蕙:本港企業發展ESG 對大眾有甚麼得益