

PhD in Plant Molecular Biology
Professor, Division of Life Science
Research Interests
Cell signaling
Molecular systems biology
Post-translational modification proteomics and interactomics

Prof Ning Li is Professor of Division of Life Science, Professor of Institute for the Environment, Professor of Energy Institute and Professor of Division of Bioengineering Graduate Program. He obtained his BSc from Beijing Forestry College in 1982, MS and PhD from University of Washington in 1986 and 1989 respectively. Prof. Li ‘s research focuses in Quantitative proteomics, Interactomics and Post-translational Modification networks in model energy plants; Genetic engineering of plants for improved food and bioenergy production. He is Director of Chinese academy of Sciences - Croucher Foundation joint laboratory, Council member of Hong Kong Proteomics Society and Members of other professional society and association. Prof Li is the Chair of Gordon Research Conference on the PTM network phospho-signaling (2013), Director of the Croucher Advanced Study Institute . He also serves as Reviewing Editor for Frontiers in Plant Proteomics, Editorial board member of the Chinese Bulletin of Botany etc. , and Referee for the journal of Molecular and cellular proteomics etc.