THE LAUNCH OF GHG EMISSIONS CALCULATOR AND ESTIMATOR CLIMATE ADAPTATION & RESILIENCE CONFERENCE OUTLINES POLICY ACTION PLANS REGIONAL STUDY ON OZONE & VOC WITH HKEPD & GOVERNMENT FLYING SERVICE PERSONALIZED CLEAN AIR HEALTH APP PROVIDES HEALTHIER DAY-TO-DAY CHOICES DRONE-MOUNTED AIR SENSORS - A FAST HIGH SULPHUR FUEL SCREENING SOLUTION ASSIST IN EFFICIENT ENFORCEMENT AIR QUALITY RESEARCH THE CORE COMPETENCE FACILITATING EVIDENCE-BASED POLICY-MAKING AIR QUALITY SUPERSITE THE MONITORING & RESEARCH BASE Press & Opinions Opinion Donald Trump’s return: gloves off reset Press Release HKUST, CBCGDF and WAOSD Sign Collaboration Agreement to Initiate the… Opinion Financiers can be Hong Kong’s superpower in biodiversity ambitions Opinion HK should strive to unite biodiversity, climate, finance Opinion Carbon tracker tools show how Hong Kong can aid global climate fight Press Release New greenhouse gas emissions calculation and estimation tools to support… More news Latest Events Jan16 - Jan16 Conference, Symposium, Forum Post-COP29 Hong Kong Forum: Reflections and the Path Forward for Hong Kong's Role in Global Sustainability Dec5 Conference, Symposium, Forum Bracing Future Heat: A Reality Check on Heat Risks and Preparedness Nov22 Workshop Green Fuels Transition For International Shipping Workshop (prev. titled Green Ammonia OGV Workshop) Oct22 Workshop Green Methanol OGV Workshop